Iran,S President Would Kiss the Hands of TerroristsTerrorism 12 December 2017

Iran Focus
London, 12 Dec - The President of Iran has praised terrorists in an address to the mullahs’ parliament (Majlis) on Sunday, December 10.
Hassan Rouhani, wrongly described as a moderate by some in the West, described the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its mercenary militias across the Middle East (Hezbollah, the Houthis, Hamas) as “an element of security” in the region.
He said: “I kiss the hands of the combatants of Islam and the combatants of resistance… They secured Syria. They secured Lebanon. God willing in future, they will also secure Yemen. They are endeavouring full force to make the region secure… Today is the day when we must get actively engaged in the region, economically, culturally, and politically."If it wasn’t sickening enough that he claimed terrorists provided security for the Middle East, Rouhani then welcomed the assassination of the former president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, vowing “Yemen will be free of aggressors”.The irony of praising terrorists and assassins for removing ‘aggressors’ seems lost on Rouhani and other members of the Regime.
Mohammad Ali Jaafari, the Commander of the IRGC, also celebrated the murder of the former president of Yemen, who attempted to break away from the Houthis, while Ali Akbar Velayati, the advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, claimed that Saleh got “what he deserved for his actions”.
Mullah Alam-ol Hoda, a member of the Assembly of Experts, Khamenei’s representative, and Friday prayer leader of Mashhad, said: “Ali Abdullah Saleh got what he deserved and got killed after a lifetime of crimes. This was a great victory for us.”
These comments- on International Human Rights Day no less- came as the UN Secretary-General published a fourth report on the implementation of UN sanctions against Iran. The report advised that the two missiles fired at Mecca (in July) and Riyadh Airport (in November) had the markings of Shahid Bagheri Industries, an Iranian firm that is already on the UN sanctions list.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) published a statement in response to the Regime’s remarks and the UN report.
It read: “These facts indicate that all factions of the Iranian regime are fully and actively involved in export of terrorism and belligerence to all countries in the region. What Rouhani describes as ‘security’ in the region is the clerical regime’s reign of terror, death and destruction which has already left millions of defenceless people dead and wounded in these countries. Of course, the clerical regime is the number one enemy of all the people of Iran. This is why the Iranian people and Resistance have resolved to overthrow this medieval regime and replace it with democracy and popular sovereignty.”
Iran Focus
London, 12 Dec - The President of Iran has praised terrorists in an address to the mullahs’ parliament (Majlis) on Sunday, December 10.
Hassan Rouhani, wrongly described as a moderate by some in the West, described the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its mercenary militias across the Middle East (Hezbollah, the Houthis, Hamas) as “an element of security” in the region.
He said: “I kiss the hands of the combatants of Islam and the combatants of resistance… They secured Syria. They secured Lebanon. God willing in future, they will also secure Yemen. They are endeavouring full force to make the region secure… Today is the day when we must get actively engaged in the region, economically, culturally, and politically."If it wasn’t sickening enough that he claimed terrorists provided security for the Middle East, Rouhani then welcomed the assassination of the former president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, vowing “Yemen will be free of aggressors”.The irony of praising terrorists and assassins for removing ‘aggressors’ seems lost on Rouhani and other members of the Regime.
Mohammad Ali Jaafari, the Commander of the IRGC, also celebrated the murder of the former president of Yemen, who attempted to break away from the Houthis, while Ali Akbar Velayati, the advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, claimed that Saleh got “what he deserved for his actions”.
Mullah Alam-ol Hoda, a member of the Assembly of Experts, Khamenei’s representative, and Friday prayer leader of Mashhad, said: “Ali Abdullah Saleh got what he deserved and got killed after a lifetime of crimes. This was a great victory for us.”
These comments- on International Human Rights Day no less- came as the UN Secretary-General published a fourth report on the implementation of UN sanctions against Iran. The report advised that the two missiles fired at Mecca (in July) and Riyadh Airport (in November) had the markings of Shahid Bagheri Industries, an Iranian firm that is already on the UN sanctions list.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) published a statement in response to the Regime’s remarks and the UN report.
It read: “These facts indicate that all factions of the Iranian regime are fully and actively involved in export of terrorism and belligerence to all countries in the region. What Rouhani describes as ‘security’ in the region is the clerical regime’s reign of terror, death and destruction which has already left millions of defenceless people dead and wounded in these countries. Of course, the clerical regime is the number one enemy of all the people of Iran. This is why the Iranian people and Resistance have resolved to overthrow this medieval regime and replace it with democracy and popular sovereignty.”
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