Correct Policy on Iran – Leaders from Europe, Middle East and U.S. Gather in Paris
The article I chose is the best in this subject and hope you like it .
Posted on December 22, 2017 by Siavosh Hosseini in Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Iran, Iran, News
Maryam Rajavi, Paris, France, 16/12/2017 Ð In an international conference in Paris, Palais Brongniart (La Bourse) on Saturday December 16, 2017, senior political figures, former military commanders, and experts from the U.S., Middle East, and Europe and representatives of the Iranian opposition assess the correct policy towards Iran, effective and crucial factors involved, and prospects for 2018. Maryam Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said: ÒJust as it was necessary to confront Daesh, it is far more imperative now to fight a hundred-times greater danger: the religious dictatorship in Iran, the IRGC and its mercenary militias.ÓOn December 16, an international convention was held in Paris, gathering leaders from all over the world to discuss the best policy for dealing with the Iranian regime. There is a hope that these conferences will help the international community to build a consensus regarding the policy going forward into 2018.
The speakers included senior political figures, former military commanders, and experts from the U.S., Middle East, Europe and representatives of the Iranian opposition. This represented a diverse range of the political spectrum, allowing for multiple viewpoints, as well as a variety of factors to be considered.
The speakers included General James Conway, former Commandant of the U.S. Marines; John Baird, former Foreign Minister of Canada, Maryam Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Gilbert Mitterrand, President of France Libertés; Michele de Vaucouleurs, member of the French National Assembly and President of the Parliamentary Committee for Democratic Iran; Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, former German Minister of Justice; Rama Yade, former French Minister for Human Rights; Romeo Nicoara, member of the Romanian Parliament, Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Prime Minister of Algeria; George Sabra, President of the opposition Syrian National Council; Selva Oksoy, Vice Chair of the Syrian Coalition; and Bassam Alamoush, former Ambassador of Jordan to Iran and former Minister of Administrative Development.
A number of speakers elaborated that Tehran’s belligerence in the region is not a sign of its strength, but its weakness in the face of acute crises in various arenas, in particular social and economic problems at home.
“When we finally unmask the deceptions, and lies, we will see a weak, illegitimate, corrupt, and desperate regime in Iran, bleeding cash to impede the popular will in Syria and Iraq, tainting the reputation of a proud Persian civilization, and deepening the country’s international isolation while continuing to suppress the inalienable rights of their own people…The truth will empower Iran’s citizens, who have suffered too much for too long. The truth will reveal the regime’s deep vulnerabilities,” said Lincoln Bloomfield, Ambassador and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State.
The speakers called on the #international community in general and the EU in particular to adopt a principled and firm policy vis-à-vis Tehran and to side with the Iranian people’s desire to have democracy and a respect of human rights. Many called on the EU to include the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on its list of terrorist organizations.

“Designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity and deny this criminal force and the entire Iranian regime access to the #international banking system, expel the IRGC and its militias from Syria, Iraq, and other countries in the region, predicate all diplomatic and commercial relations with the Tehran on an end to torture and executions in Iran, call on the UN Security Council to set up a special tribunal on, or refer the dossier of the Iranian regime’s crimes, particularly the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners to the #International Criminal Court, and to recognize the Iranian resistance as the sole democratic alternative to the religious dictatorship ruling #Iran,” said Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).
More than a dozen dignitaries from the US, France, Canada, EU and the Middle East who addressed the conference, condemned Tehran’s gross human rights violations, nefarious conduct in the region, including sponsoring terrorist and extremist groups, its continuing ballistic missile program.
The speakers pointed out that Tehran’s policy and conduct has not changed subsequent to the nuclear agreement, and that Tehran has been emboldened in pursuing its destructive policies.

“The IRGC is tasked with protecting the mullahs’ medieval religious dictatorship through absolute suppression… it has tightened its grips on the lion’s share of the Iranian economy. Instead of making investments in the country, it is pouring Iran’s wealth and revenues into the inferno of repression and terrorism. The IRGC’s special role, however, is confronting the Iranian people’s uprisings that are waiting in the wings,” Rajavi said.
Many of them called on their own governments to change their policies regarding how they deal with the regime, making relations conditional on addressing human rights violations and a moratorium on executions.
“We call on the French government to condemn the appalling violations of human rights in Iran. We recently hosted in our town hall an exhibition on the 1988 massacre in Iran. We are committed to this cause until freedom is restored to the people of Iran,” said Jean-Francois Legaret, Mayor of Paris’ 1stDistrict.
In the end, the biggest victims of the Iranian regime are the #Iranian people, who want and are going to continue to call for a change in the regime to address the social and economical damage caused throughout the country by the mullahs and their military arm, the IRGC.
The article I chose is the best in this subject and hope you like it .
Posted on December 22, 2017 by Siavosh Hosseini in Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Iran, Iran, News

The speakers included senior political figures, former military commanders, and experts from the U.S., Middle East, Europe and representatives of the Iranian opposition. This represented a diverse range of the political spectrum, allowing for multiple viewpoints, as well as a variety of factors to be considered.

A number of speakers elaborated that Tehran’s belligerence in the region is not a sign of its strength, but its weakness in the face of acute crises in various arenas, in particular social and economic problems at home.
“When we finally unmask the deceptions, and lies, we will see a weak, illegitimate, corrupt, and desperate regime in Iran, bleeding cash to impede the popular will in Syria and Iraq, tainting the reputation of a proud Persian civilization, and deepening the country’s international isolation while continuing to suppress the inalienable rights of their own people…The truth will empower Iran’s citizens, who have suffered too much for too long. The truth will reveal the regime’s deep vulnerabilities,” said Lincoln Bloomfield, Ambassador and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State.
The speakers called on the #international community in general and the EU in particular to adopt a principled and firm policy vis-à-vis Tehran and to side with the Iranian people’s desire to have democracy and a respect of human rights. Many called on the EU to include the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on its list of terrorist organizations.

“Designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity and deny this criminal force and the entire Iranian regime access to the #international banking system, expel the IRGC and its militias from Syria, Iraq, and other countries in the region, predicate all diplomatic and commercial relations with the Tehran on an end to torture and executions in Iran, call on the UN Security Council to set up a special tribunal on, or refer the dossier of the Iranian regime’s crimes, particularly the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners to the #International Criminal Court, and to recognize the Iranian resistance as the sole democratic alternative to the religious dictatorship ruling #Iran,” said Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).
More than a dozen dignitaries from the US, France, Canada, EU and the Middle East who addressed the conference, condemned Tehran’s gross human rights violations, nefarious conduct in the region, including sponsoring terrorist and extremist groups, its continuing ballistic missile program.
The speakers pointed out that Tehran’s policy and conduct has not changed subsequent to the nuclear agreement, and that Tehran has been emboldened in pursuing its destructive policies.

“The IRGC is tasked with protecting the mullahs’ medieval religious dictatorship through absolute suppression… it has tightened its grips on the lion’s share of the Iranian economy. Instead of making investments in the country, it is pouring Iran’s wealth and revenues into the inferno of repression and terrorism. The IRGC’s special role, however, is confronting the Iranian people’s uprisings that are waiting in the wings,” Rajavi said.
Many of them called on their own governments to change their policies regarding how they deal with the regime, making relations conditional on addressing human rights violations and a moratorium on executions.
“We call on the French government to condemn the appalling violations of human rights in Iran. We recently hosted in our town hall an exhibition on the 1988 massacre in Iran. We are committed to this cause until freedom is restored to the people of Iran,” said Jean-Francois Legaret, Mayor of Paris’ 1stDistrict.
In the end, the biggest victims of the Iranian regime are the #Iranian people, who want and are going to continue to call for a change in the regime to address the social and economical damage caused throughout the country by the mullahs and their military arm, the IRGC.
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