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Need to know facts about the annual Iranian convention ARTICLES

Need to know facts about the annual Iranian convention

The annual Iranian Diaspora convention
By: PMOI/MEK staff
Paris, June 12, 2018 - With less than three weeks remaining to the annual Iranian Diaspora convention that is traditionally held in Paris each summer, this text intends to provide need-to-know facts about this major development involving Iran and the future of this important country, with an emphasis on this year’s developments inside Iran.
In Dec/Jan Iran was rocked with nationwide protests sweeping throughout the country, involving over 140 cities and rattling the mullahs’ regime to its core. The Iranian people are showing how they are continuing their quest for freedom, with the recent protests marking the beginning of a new chapter in this regard. Undeniable is the fact that these protests are gaining increasing momentum and the Iranian people are more than ever voicing demands for a free and democratic Iran.
The Iranian Diaspora are planning to stage their annual Paris convention on June 30th and thousands of Iranians and supporters of freedom in Iran will be taking part from across the globe.

“Free Iran” will be the message heard from the participants pouring into Paris from five continents. These Iranians will be voicing their support for the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), a democratic alternative that is led by NCRI President Maryam Rajavi who strives to establish freedom and democracy in Iran.As protests continue to grow in Iran, parallel to nationwide strikes, the people of this country are showing their determination in continuing this struggle to overthrow the mullahs.

Workers, teachers, merchants, farmers, and people from all walks of life are seen protesting in Mashhad, Kazerun, Baneh, Haft Tappeh, Isfahan and dozens of other cities throughout the country. All of Iran’s communities, including the Arabs, Baluchis, Fars, Kurds, Lors, and Turks are uniting in this nationwide call for freedom.

With slogans of “Hardliners, reformers, game over” and “Our enemy is right here,” protesters in the streets are first distancing themselves from the regime’s hallmarks and taking further steps to make their voices demanding regime change heard.

It is now crystal clear that the Iranian people have no illusion of this regime’s true nature, and important now is for the international community to fall in line and stand shoulder to shoulder with the Iranian nation.

The Iranian regime is also known for its human rights violations, especially under the so-called moderate President Hassan Rouhani. His claims of bringing about reform and moderation have turned out to be utterly false, especially since execution numbers have risen to their highest in the past 25 years.

In 2017, Iran was home to more than 50 percent of registered executions across the globe. Furthermore, suppression and crackdown measures extend to a variety of issues in Iran under the mullahs’ rule. Still, images and footage of people beaten by state forces and women becoming the target of organized harassment are gaining attention worldwide.

With these reports increasing on the doorstep of this year’s annual rally in Paris, a growing number of international figures are actively expressing their support for the Iranian people.

This slate includes former Italian foreign minister Giulio Terzi, former European Parliament vice-president Alejo Vidal-Quadras and Roger Lyons, former president of Great Britain’s Trade Union Congress.

As the days wind down to the Iranian Diaspora’s annual convention, more voices will express their solidarity and tens of thousands of Iranians are already heading to Paris to help prepare the event, and take part in the event.

This is a chance for the international community to hear the true voice of the Iranian people and their desire to realize regime change in their country. Such a development will be the cornerstone of establishing peace and tranquility in Iran and thus across the Middle East.


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