Maryam Rajavi
Iraian women
women rights

In Conference “Iran Uprising and the Role of Women”- Paris – February 17, 2018
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi along with lawmakers, dignitaries and women rights activists attended in the conference. Mrs. Rajavi is the keynote speaker at the conference.she cherished the Women day by Congratulating to all the Women of the world, and the freedom-loving women of Iran for persisting on the cause of equality. And admired because the women of Iran have taken major strides at the forefront of the fight against fundamentalism,
the enemy of Women the world over.
Mrs. Rajavi also saluted the women around the world, particularly the in Syria, who resisted last year against tyranny, fundamentalism, and violence, hoisting the banner of hope in the midst of the ruins of a country with 10 million homeless and 500 thousand victims.
Mrs. Rajavi pointed to the clerical regime’s leaders admitting that the main ring inciting the uprisings were made up of women and added that the main ring for regime change in Iran is also Women.
Mrs. Rajavi stated that the main goals of the Women’s rising up is demanding the annihilation of the clerical regime in Iran and, the liberation of the whole nation, not just the women’s freedom.
As a Muslim woman, Mrs. Rajavi rejected the claims of the mullahs who have deprived women of one of their most basic rights, namely the freedom to choose their own clothing, on the pretext of according to the instructions of Islam.
She emphasized that Imposing the veil (Hijab) by compulsion was diametrically against Islam because faith is based on one’s free choice and out of free will. So anything that is forcibly imposed on people is against genuine Islam, whether it is the religion itself or the veil. The mandatory veil is against Islam and only meant to enchain Women, facilitating a general social clampdown.Reminding the regime’s 39-year history of women’s suppression in Iran, Mrs. Rajavi expressed the will of the Iranian Women for turning that dark page of Iran’s history and added that, Iran uprising was not just for overthrowing a political regime, but a revolt against religious
Fundamentalism. Mrs. Rajavi called that a new and hopeful dawn not only for the people of Iran but also for all the people of the region and the world.
Regarding the existing the conditions for continuation of the uprisings, Mrs., Rajavi called the Iranian women to take their responsibility for furthering the uprising. Mrs. Rajavi reminded the women their dual responsibility, first shattering the atmosphere of fear and disbelief and, restoring hope and courage among people the second for organizing the protests.
Mrs. Rajavi addressed the freedom-loving men, and the youth to couple their fury and dislike against the clerical regime with a resistance against misogyny because the mullahs’ policy is suppressing the women and compelling the men to be passive and surrender, that policy should be defeated by all the Iranian people.
Mrs. Rajavi asked the women who attended the meeting from different countries, to support women’s struggle against fundamentalism as the greatest project of our time for advocates of women’s rights. She drove the attention on the importance of supporting the Iranian people’s uprising and particularly the struggle of Iranian women for the regime’s overthrow because the heart of fundamentalism beats under the mullahs’ rule in Tehran.
Mrs. Rajavi stated on the last year’s achievements of the women via their rising up, breaking the silence and the movement against sexual abuse and humiliation of women. In this way, the women proved that they are not doomed to be outraged and remain silent. And also their courage was a stride forward
Maryam Rajavi
Iraian women
women rights
In Conference “Iran Uprising and the Role of Women”- Paris – February 17, 2018
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi along with lawmakers, dignitaries and women rights activists attended in the conference. Mrs. Rajavi is the keynote speaker at the conference.she cherished the Women day by Congratulating to all the Women of the world, and the freedom-loving women of Iran for persisting on the cause of equality. And admired because the women of Iran have taken major strides at the forefront of the fight against fundamentalism,
the enemy of Women the world over.
Mrs. Rajavi also saluted the women around the world, particularly the in Syria, who resisted last year against tyranny, fundamentalism, and violence, hoisting the banner of hope in the midst of the ruins of a country with 10 million homeless and 500 thousand victims.
Mrs. Rajavi pointed to the clerical regime’s leaders admitting that the main ring inciting the uprisings were made up of women and added that the main ring for regime change in Iran is also Women.
Mrs. Rajavi stated that the main goals of the Women’s rising up is demanding the annihilation of the clerical regime in Iran and, the liberation of the whole nation, not just the women’s freedom.
As a Muslim woman, Mrs. Rajavi rejected the claims of the mullahs who have deprived women of one of their most basic rights, namely the freedom to choose their own clothing, on the pretext of according to the instructions of Islam.
She emphasized that Imposing the veil (Hijab) by compulsion was diametrically against Islam because faith is based on one’s free choice and out of free will. So anything that is forcibly imposed on people is against genuine Islam, whether it is the religion itself or the veil. The mandatory veil is against Islam and only meant to enchain Women, facilitating a general social clampdown.Reminding the regime’s 39-year history of women’s suppression in Iran, Mrs. Rajavi expressed the will of the Iranian Women for turning that dark page of Iran’s history and added that, Iran uprising was not just for overthrowing a political regime, but a revolt against religious
Fundamentalism. Mrs. Rajavi called that a new and hopeful dawn not only for the people of Iran but also for all the people of the region and the world.
Regarding the existing the conditions for continuation of the uprisings, Mrs., Rajavi called the Iranian women to take their responsibility for furthering the uprising. Mrs. Rajavi reminded the women their dual responsibility, first shattering the atmosphere of fear and disbelief and, restoring hope and courage among people the second for organizing the protests.
Mrs. Rajavi addressed the freedom-loving men, and the youth to couple their fury and dislike against the clerical regime with a resistance against misogyny because the mullahs’ policy is suppressing the women and compelling the men to be passive and surrender, that policy should be defeated by all the Iranian people.
Mrs. Rajavi asked the women who attended the meeting from different countries, to support women’s struggle against fundamentalism as the greatest project of our time for advocates of women’s rights. She drove the attention on the importance of supporting the Iranian people’s uprising and particularly the struggle of Iranian women for the regime’s overthrow because the heart of fundamentalism beats under the mullahs’ rule in Tehran.
Mrs. Rajavi stated on the last year’s achievements of the women via their rising up, breaking the silence and the movement against sexual abuse and humiliation of women. In this way, the women proved that they are not doomed to be outraged and remain silent. And also their courage was a stride forward
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