Human rights
Political Prisoner
United States

Iran freedom staff
Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, stated an unprecedented excuse on behalf of the Islamic Republic after signs of the public desire of radical changes in Iran in recent months’ protests, saying authorities need to work harder at bringing justice in the country.
He included himself as the aim of the critics of injustice in the country beside the government, the parliament, and judiciary.
Criticizing lacking justice in a country from the tongue of the Supreme Leader could have been a good news for the suppressed people, just should it was expressed truly.
Khamenei's stance is question-posing,
Why is Khamenei thinking about justice in Iran now? Has not he been the leader of the Iranian regime for more than 29 years? Did not he have the opportunity during past 29 years to bring justice to Iran? If he was impudent over the past 29 years, what made him powerful now to seek for justice? Does he have an inner motivation for justice or something external has made him think about it?
These questions should be scrutinized carefully to work out the connection between the crises that the regime is tackle with and the reality of a Supreme leader who has become justice lover suddenly.
Iranians lost patience with a lack of improvement in their living standards, particularly after mullahs received lots of cash due to the nuclear deal. Whereabouts there was no more pretext for the dire economic condition but the corruption, nepotism, warmongering policies, which waste all the national resources.
Frustration over economic woes from inflation to youth unemployment was made worse when details of this Iranian fiscal year’s draft budget were leaked, revealing millions of dollars allocated to state-linked religious and ideological institutions, prompting an outcry over inequality and injustice.
As the official figures admitted, by the end of March 2016, Iran's population was 79 million, with 30 million Iranians fallen below the poverty line, whilst the government did not have any specific plans to stop or reduce the trend. The executive director of Khomeini’s order said that 12 million people were living below the utter poverty line while 25 to 30 million were living below the relative poverty line.
The destruction of industries and agriculture due to the anti-national policy of excessive imports, state-run smuggle and corruption are other facts cause increasing unemployment.
Due to lack of job opportunities many people, including university graduates, resort to the hard job of porterage. Back carriers are poor people who transfer goods such as at a high risk to their lives to earn a living for their families. They sometimes have to transfer 100 to 150 kilograms on their backs in the mountains and valleys, in hot summer or cold winter, taking risk of avalanche, falling from the cliffs, and being shot to death by the security forces.Selling human organs “on the black market” has recently turned into a source of income in Iran as a production of absolute poverty. In this trade, there is no sign of humanitarian values. Men, women, educated people, and the youth openly post ads on the walls in the streets to offer their organs for sale.
It is worthy to mention due to the rampant government corruption and nepotism in the cleric regime the well-paid jobs and positions just belongs to the relatives of the high-rank clergies.
As a matter of fact, poverty and unemployment in Iran do not have an economic resolve, because these are the results of a backwardness political structure whose notions are based on the medieval age’s values. The leader is called the representative of the God on the earth, with absolute dominion on the powers, not only inside the country but on all the Moslems in the world as well. So suppression, violation of human rights, exporting so-called Islamic Revolution and belligerence are the salient and inherent features of the regime, and there is no place for a sound economic program for prosperity.
The Iranian regime is the world record holder of the number of executions per capita. This regime has a record of executing 120.000 political opponents, among them 30.000 political prisoners were massacred in 1988, over a couple of months. On the other hand, where bloody conflicts are going on in the Middle East, the track of the Iranian regime can be observed.
Two major factors have changed regarding the Mullah’s regime in Iran. The first is that the reconciliation international policy, almost has come to its end, the golden era of Obama administration with a lot of windfall concessions for the regime does not exist anymore. More importantly, Iranian people have expressed their demands for radical political changes.
What Khamenei is trying to show as critics toward him, is de facto the demand for the removal of him and his entire regime, altogether.
In this way Khamenei’s apology is perceptible. This is a maneuver of a stalemated leader who has spent and wasted all his strategic resources and now is surrounded by international crises and the protests in Iran to overthrow his regime.
The regime’s options are very limited, as it is under public pressure for quick changes, while the international community is also demanding cooperation on regional issues to end its offensive behaviors and its presence in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen and to be limited inside its own borders.
It has been experienced that the dictators do not take lessons from history, and apology when it is too late.
Human rights
Political Prisoner
United States
Iran freedom staff
Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, stated an unprecedented excuse on behalf of the Islamic Republic after signs of the public desire of radical changes in Iran in recent months’ protests, saying authorities need to work harder at bringing justice in the country.
He included himself as the aim of the critics of injustice in the country beside the government, the parliament, and judiciary.
Criticizing lacking justice in a country from the tongue of the Supreme Leader could have been a good news for the suppressed people, just should it was expressed truly.
Khamenei's stance is question-posing,
Why is Khamenei thinking about justice in Iran now? Has not he been the leader of the Iranian regime for more than 29 years? Did not he have the opportunity during past 29 years to bring justice to Iran? If he was impudent over the past 29 years, what made him powerful now to seek for justice? Does he have an inner motivation for justice or something external has made him think about it?
These questions should be scrutinized carefully to work out the connection between the crises that the regime is tackle with and the reality of a Supreme leader who has become justice lover suddenly.
Iranians lost patience with a lack of improvement in their living standards, particularly after mullahs received lots of cash due to the nuclear deal. Whereabouts there was no more pretext for the dire economic condition but the corruption, nepotism, warmongering policies, which waste all the national resources.
Frustration over economic woes from inflation to youth unemployment was made worse when details of this Iranian fiscal year’s draft budget were leaked, revealing millions of dollars allocated to state-linked religious and ideological institutions, prompting an outcry over inequality and injustice.
As the official figures admitted, by the end of March 2016, Iran's population was 79 million, with 30 million Iranians fallen below the poverty line, whilst the government did not have any specific plans to stop or reduce the trend. The executive director of Khomeini’s order said that 12 million people were living below the utter poverty line while 25 to 30 million were living below the relative poverty line.
The destruction of industries and agriculture due to the anti-national policy of excessive imports, state-run smuggle and corruption are other facts cause increasing unemployment.
Due to lack of job opportunities many people, including university graduates, resort to the hard job of porterage. Back carriers are poor people who transfer goods such as at a high risk to their lives to earn a living for their families. They sometimes have to transfer 100 to 150 kilograms on their backs in the mountains and valleys, in hot summer or cold winter, taking risk of avalanche, falling from the cliffs, and being shot to death by the security forces.Selling human organs “on the black market” has recently turned into a source of income in Iran as a production of absolute poverty. In this trade, there is no sign of humanitarian values. Men, women, educated people, and the youth openly post ads on the walls in the streets to offer their organs for sale.
It is worthy to mention due to the rampant government corruption and nepotism in the cleric regime the well-paid jobs and positions just belongs to the relatives of the high-rank clergies.
As a matter of fact, poverty and unemployment in Iran do not have an economic resolve, because these are the results of a backwardness political structure whose notions are based on the medieval age’s values. The leader is called the representative of the God on the earth, with absolute dominion on the powers, not only inside the country but on all the Moslems in the world as well. So suppression, violation of human rights, exporting so-called Islamic Revolution and belligerence are the salient and inherent features of the regime, and there is no place for a sound economic program for prosperity.
The Iranian regime is the world record holder of the number of executions per capita. This regime has a record of executing 120.000 political opponents, among them 30.000 political prisoners were massacred in 1988, over a couple of months. On the other hand, where bloody conflicts are going on in the Middle East, the track of the Iranian regime can be observed.
Two major factors have changed regarding the Mullah’s regime in Iran. The first is that the reconciliation international policy, almost has come to its end, the golden era of Obama administration with a lot of windfall concessions for the regime does not exist anymore. More importantly, Iranian people have expressed their demands for radical political changes.
What Khamenei is trying to show as critics toward him, is de facto the demand for the removal of him and his entire regime, altogether.
In this way Khamenei’s apology is perceptible. This is a maneuver of a stalemated leader who has spent and wasted all his strategic resources and now is surrounded by international crises and the protests in Iran to overthrow his regime.
The regime’s options are very limited, as it is under public pressure for quick changes, while the international community is also demanding cooperation on regional issues to end its offensive behaviors and its presence in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen and to be limited inside its own borders.
It has been experienced that the dictators do not take lessons from history, and apology when it is too late.
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