Maryam Rajavi
United States
Inside Iran
People of Iran

Maryam Rajavi's poster hanged in Tehran
Make no mistake, the Iranian Regime is absolutely terrified of not just the Iranian people, but also the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK). This fear can be seen in the pro-regime protests that the mullahs organized, where paid protesters held signs like “Green Movement is supporter of Rajavi”, and in the many comments from Regime leaders themselves.
It seems like even the Iranian Regime is being forced to admit that the Iranian Resistance is incredibly popular amongst the Iranian people.
In early January, Supreme Leder Ali Khamenei said that the protest had been organized by the MEK months ago. He was trying to imply that the Iranian people had been manipulated by enemies of the Regime- apparently forgetting that the Iranian people are enemies of the Regime- but he, in fact, showed that he knew how popular the MEK was amongst the Iranian people.
Iran Regime's Fear and Frustration Over People's Uprising by Chanting Against PMOI/MEK
This was further underlined by the actions of President Hassan Rouhani. French President Emmanuel Macron phoned Rouhani, on January 3, to express his concern over the unrest in Iran, specifically violence against the demonstrators, called for “restraint”, and underscored the Iranian people’s right to peacefully protest.
Rouhani is response asked Macron to take action against the Iranian Resistance coalition based in Paris- the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which has the MEK as its largest member- for creating the protests.
The Regime consistently paints the MEK as a fringe group, so how could they possibly stir up the anti-regime protests and why would Macron act against them?
Mullah Alam al-Hoda, the member of regime’s Assembly of Experts and representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Mashhad, even told the Iranian people not to heed the calls to take to the streets by NCRI leader Maryam Rajavi.
Reza Seraj, an IRGC intelligence official Fars News Agency, tried to play off the protests as orchestrated by the US but admitted that the MEK is being shown support, while Commander Mohammad Amirkhani from the IRGC, highlighted the MEK’s media outlets as helping to promote the protests.
The Regime-affiliated Tasnim Qods force News Agency even linked it to 2009’s Green Movement, which was also supported and participated in by members of the MEK.
Other high-ranking members who have admitted that the MEK is clearly active within Iran and involved in the protests, included: IRGC Brigadier General Mohsen Rezaee, secretary of the Expediency Council, and former head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps- Fars News Agency, and Zarei, head of the country's mobilization of lecturers at Tarbiat Modares University.
Maryam Rajavi
United States
Inside Iran
People of Iran
Maryam Rajavi's poster hanged in Tehran
Make no mistake, the Iranian Regime is absolutely terrified of not just the Iranian people, but also the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK). This fear can be seen in the pro-regime protests that the mullahs organized, where paid protesters held signs like “Green Movement is supporter of Rajavi”, and in the many comments from Regime leaders themselves.
It seems like even the Iranian Regime is being forced to admit that the Iranian Resistance is incredibly popular amongst the Iranian people.
In early January, Supreme Leder Ali Khamenei said that the protest had been organized by the MEK months ago. He was trying to imply that the Iranian people had been manipulated by enemies of the Regime- apparently forgetting that the Iranian people are enemies of the Regime- but he, in fact, showed that he knew how popular the MEK was amongst the Iranian people.
Iran Regime's Fear and Frustration Over People's Uprising by Chanting Against PMOI/MEK
This was further underlined by the actions of President Hassan Rouhani. French President Emmanuel Macron phoned Rouhani, on January 3, to express his concern over the unrest in Iran, specifically violence against the demonstrators, called for “restraint”, and underscored the Iranian people’s right to peacefully protest.
Rouhani is response asked Macron to take action against the Iranian Resistance coalition based in Paris- the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which has the MEK as its largest member- for creating the protests.
The Regime consistently paints the MEK as a fringe group, so how could they possibly stir up the anti-regime protests and why would Macron act against them?
Mullah Alam al-Hoda, the member of regime’s Assembly of Experts and representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Mashhad, even told the Iranian people not to heed the calls to take to the streets by NCRI leader Maryam Rajavi.
Reza Seraj, an IRGC intelligence official Fars News Agency, tried to play off the protests as orchestrated by the US but admitted that the MEK is being shown support, while Commander Mohammad Amirkhani from the IRGC, highlighted the MEK’s media outlets as helping to promote the protests.
The Regime-affiliated Tasnim Qods force News Agency even linked it to 2009’s Green Movement, which was also supported and participated in by members of the MEK.
Other high-ranking members who have admitted that the MEK is clearly active within Iran and involved in the protests, included: IRGC Brigadier General Mohsen Rezaee, secretary of the Expediency Council, and former head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps- Fars News Agency, and Zarei, head of the country's mobilization of lecturers at Tarbiat Modares University.
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