Iran Is Responsible for More Than 1,000 American Military Deaths Since 9/11 SHARE ARTICLE ON FACEBOOKSHARE TWEET ARTICLETWEET PLUS ONE ARTICLE ON GOOGLE PLUS+1 PRINT ARTICLE ADJUST FONT SIZEAA by DAVID FRENCH July 14, 2015 12:26 PM @DAVIDAFRENCH I’m going to say more about the Iran deal in a piece that will go up shortly on the homepage, but I wanted to highlight this report, by Colonel (ret.) Richard Kemp and Major (ret.) Chris Driver-Williams, that comprehensively outlines Iran’s acts of war against the United States.
Some lowlights: Iranian military action, often working through proxies using terrorist tactics, has led to the deaths of well over a thousand American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last decade and a half. Throughout the course of the Iraq campaign, a variety of weapons flowed into the country through direct purchases by the government of Iran.
These included Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFPs), a shaped charge designed to penetrate armor. These weapons – often camouflaged as rocks – were identical to those employed by Hizbullah against Israeli forces. In 2006, the British Telegraph revealed that three Iranian factories were “mass producing” the roadside EFP bombs used to kill soldiers in Iraq . . . Iran paid Taliban fighters $1,000 for each U.S. soldier they killed in Afghanistan. The Sunday Times reported that a Taliban operative received $18,000 from an Iranian firm in Kabul as reward for an attack in 2010 that killed several Afghan government troops and destroyed an American armored vehicle. The Obama administration’s nuclear agreement is nothing more than a stimulus package for jihad. Billions of dollars will flow into the world’s worst terror-exporting country — a sworn enemy of the United States — and it will soon enough even have (legal) access to international conventional-arms markets. It can continue to export terror and even kill American soldiers without breaching the nuclear agreement. Until Iran stops trying to kill Americans and stops imprisoning Americans (including Saeed Abedini, a pastor prosecuted merely because of his Christian faith), how can any rational person trust its good faith?
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