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Showing posts from January, 2018
The Unraveling Islamic Republic 1/19/2018 4:50:27 PM What are the causes that sparked anti-regime protests in Iran US News & World Report, Jan. 18, 2018 - The recent unrest in Iran has confirmed what many attuned to domestic conditions in the Islamic Republic have long known: that an explosion was not a matter of if, but of when. The destructive reach of the Islamic Republic of Iran from Africa to South America and via Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq is hardly disputed. Yet this destructive influence serves the hesitance of many in the West to confront what appears as a strong and threatening regime. The riots and demonstration may have faded – but not the realities that created them. And this might provide an important policy lesson: Islamic regime's power posturing is designed to hide its true weaknesses. Iran's economy is in shambles. The days of high oil prices are long gone, and national resources are almost depleted. Despite the JCPOA – an agreement aimed at opening t
The Murder of a Terrorism Prosecutor: What Alberto Nisman Continues to Teach Us 1/19/2018 5:26:51 PM Alberto Nisman Was Murdered By: Toby Dershowitz & Gardner Lange January 18, 2018 - On January 18, 2015, Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman was found bludgeoned and shot to death in his normally well-protected Buenos Aires apartment. His assassination was likely one more attempted cover-up in a long list of cover-ups associated with Argentina’s deadliest terrorist attack, the 1994 Iran-backed Hezbollah bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires. No doubt, whoever murdered Nisman intended to bury the body of evidence he had accumulated about the AMIA bombing and the attempt to cover up the role Iran had played in the terrorist attack, which killed 85 people and injured hundreds more. Why was Nisman murdered? The very next day he was scheduled to reveal to the Argentine Congress evidence, based on thousands of legal wiretaps, that the attempted cover-up led straight
Iran's Latest Revolution Won't Fade Away 1/19/2018 9:06:38 PM The proletariat rises. Important News By: Geneive Abdo, Abdallah Hendawy Bloomberg, Jan. 19, 2018 - The latest protests in Iran may be largely crushed for now, but the characteristics of this particular uprising suggest that, unlike the so-called Green Revolution of 2009 and other previous waves -- the unrest could continue sporadically for years to come. Although the rioters -- largely workers and farmers from rural and religiously conservative villages and towns -- were not part of a unified or organized movement, they do have shared grievances that fueled the outrage, and this could be a game changer. Unlike past uprisings in Iran when demonstrators’ outcries concerned lofty goals, such as democracy and free elections, these protesters’ complaints are practical and urgent, because their lives are far more difficult than those of Iranians in major cities. For example, the unemployment rate in Tehran –-historically
Iran protesters ‘tortured and killed’ in prison as body is dumped outside family’s home 1/20/2018 7:09:49 AM Seyed Shahab Abtahi’s body was dumped outside his father’s house three days after his arrest Hannah Lucinda Smith, Istanbul The Times, January 19 2018 - Iranians who took part in anti-regime demonstrations are being tortured and killed in prison, human rights groups say. The body of Seyed Shahab Abtahi, 20, was dumped outside his father’s house in the western city of Arak on January 5, three days after he was detained by security forces, according to an opposition group. He was covered in injuries that appeared to have been caused by baton blows. Three other men, named as Hossein Qaderi, 30, Sarou Ghahremani, 24, and Kianoush Zandi, 26, died under torture in the central prison of Sanandaj, in the Kurdistan province in eastern Iran. Fears are growing for the thousands of people arrested in protests over New Year. Thousands of people have been arrested since small provincial prot
How years of increasing labor unrest signaled Iran’s latest protest wave 1/20/2018 11:00:45 AM Anti-government protests spread in Iran, garner U.S. praise By Kevan Harris and Zep Kalb Washington Post, January 19, 2018 - Beginning on Dec. 28, a wave of protests surged across Iran, with at least 75 cities reportedly experiencing one or more demonstrations in the first week. Soon after they began, commentators rushed to attribute the protests to various grievances, from Ponzi-like banking scheme collapses and budget corruption allegations to soaring prices of eggs and gasoline. However, our research suggests that rather than grievances alone, an underappreciated precursor for the protests was the buildup of demonstrations and rallies by teachers, workers, trade unions and civil society associations. Before the recent protests, we constructed a data set detailing labor unrest in Iran from 2012 to 2016. Using credible domestic newspapers that contained information on these demonstrations,
Claiming ignorance of Iran’s actions is no longer viable 1/20/2018 4:10:14 PM No Nukes for Iran BY DAVID IBSEN, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR The Hill, Jan. 19, 2018 - Earlier this month, President Trump decided extend the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran Deal, but warned that he will terminate the agreement unless members of Congress and our European allies work to strengthen the agreement. Since the Iran Deal was signed in 2015, some businesses have considered and sensibly rejected, while others regrettably have engaged in doing business with Iran, despite the obvious financial, legal and socio-political risks of doing so. As part of the campaign to discourage companies from doing business with Iran, my organization, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) has recently unveiled its Iran Risk Snapshot, a set of 27 financial, legal and sociopolitical indices from the world’s leading organizations that analyze the risks of doing business with the regime in Tehran
How Corruption and Cronyism in Banking Fueled Iran’s Protests 1/21/2018 9:09:37 PM Exchange rates posted on a store window on Thursday in Tehrans financial district By THOMAS ERDBRINK, DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK and NILO TABRIZY TEHRAN, New York Times, Jan. 20, 2018 — At 25 percent, the interest rate paid on a savings account at the Caspian Finance and Credit Institution in Tehran was a better return than Mehrdad Asgari could earn investing in his own business renting out construction equipment. So in December 2016, he jumped at the chance, depositing $42,000 in a savings account. Before long though, Caspian stopped allowing withdrawals. After three months, it stopped paying interest. Finally, in May, it shut its doors for good — becoming one of the largest in a long series of failures of Iranian financial institutions in recent years. The closings have destroyed the savings of thousands of people, imperiled the banking system and helped fuel the antigovernment protests that roiled the coun
The Pentagon says China and Russia are bigger problems for U.S. than terrorists. American voters may not agree. 1/21/2018 9:48:49 PM Defense Secretary Jim Mattis speaks about the National Defense Review on Jan. 19 in Washington The Washington Post, Jan. 20, 2018 - A newly released Pentagon strategy document proposes a new vision of America’s national security priorities — one in which competition with China and Russia is more important to the United States than the fight against international terrorism. After almost two decades of a “war on terror” that came at huge expense but often had few tangible benefits, such a strategy would mark a noteworthy change in the way the United States conducts its foreign policy. However, the new strategy also raises a question: Do American voters agree? Perhaps not. A number of polls conducted over the past year show that Americans remain deeply concerned about the threat posed by international terrorism, while they appear to be underwhelmed by the r
Nixing the Iran Deal Would Be Better Than a Fake Fix 1/25/2018 1:35:30 PM U.S. President Donald Trump makes a statement on his administrations strategy for dealing with Iran, in the diplomatic reception room of the White House ELEPHANTS IN THE ROOM BY RICHARD GOLDBERG FOREIGN POLICY, JANUARY 24, 2018 - President Donald Trump issued this month his final ultimatum to Congress regarding the Obama-era Iran nuclear agreement: You fix it, or I’ll nix it. But in laying out his criteria for legislation, the president opened the door to countless loopholes that defenders of the deal might try to exploit. If Trump lets them, he’ll unknowingly share responsibility with his predecessor, President Barack Obama, for facilitating and legitimizing a nuclear-armed Iran. The president, for example, said that any legislation “must demand that Iran allow immediate inspections at all sites requested by international inspectors.” The problem, of course, is that international inspectors have yet to request
The US just changed course in Syria — and could now look to confront Iran 1/25/2018 11:15:36 PM The USs 2,000 or so forces in Syria will directly oppose Irans 70,000 Secretary of State Rex Tillerson laid out the US's new strategy in Syria, and he named combating Iran's influence and its threat to US interests as a main goal. • The US has just 2,000 troops in Syria while Iran has an estimated 70,000, but the US has plenty of assets — military, economic, and diplomatic — to deny Iran's dream of outsized influence in Syria. • The US may look to rally its allies in a full press against Iran's growing influence, and it could follow on Israel's military approach. Business Insider, Jan. 25. 2018 - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recently laid out a new US approach to the conflict in Syria, and two things became immediately clear — the US is staying in Syria and conflict with Iran could be coming. Up until this point, the US presence in Syria has focused on fighting ISIS,
France, Britain Boycott Sochi Talks on Syria 1/30/2018 11:14:42 AM France and Britain will not take part in the Sochi Syria peace congress. Asharq Al-Awsat- 29 January, 2018 - The chances of the Sochi-hosted Syria peace talks achieving a breakthrough in ending the country’s war dimmed further on Monday after France and Britain announced that they will not be part of the congress that kicks off in Russia on Tuesday. The talks are already being boycotted by the Syrian opposition and the Kurds. Paris and London will not be taking part in Sochi, saying the talks had to be part of a UN-led process and urging Moscow to get the Syrian regime to engage in meaningful negotiations. Western powers and some Arab states believe the Sochi talks are an attempt by Russia to create a separate peace process that undermines the UN peace effort while laying the groundwork for a solution favorable to regime head Bashar al-Assad and allies Russia and Iran. The opposition has made similar accusations. “All
Over 100 PACE Members Call for Immediate Release of Iran Protesters 1/30/2018 9:46:22 AM Over 100 PACE members supported a Written Declaration on Iran Press Release: Over 100 PACE Members Call for Immediate Release of Iran Protesters Strasbourg - On Wednesday, 24 January 2018, President-elect of the Iranian resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi , attended and addressedthe official meetings of the European People’s Party (EPP), the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE), and the Unified European Left (UEL) at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg. She elaborated on the latest developments in the Iranian people’s uprising against the religious fascism ruling Iran and answered questions by PACE members. “Over 100 PACE members supported a Written Declaration on Iran that I sponsored during the 2018 Winter Session to express our serious concerns over the brutal crackdown of the nationwide anti-regime protests in Iran”, British MP Nigel Evans from t
Trump warns UN envoys on Iran's 'destabilizing' efforts 1/29/2018 11:34:45 PM President Donald Trump, flanked by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, told members of the UN Security Council at a White House luncheon on Monday that they should act to counter Iranian destabilization. WASHINGTON (AFP) - 29 January 2018 - President Donald Trump on Monday accused Iran of destabilizing the Middle East, as his United Nations ambassador sought to bolster that argument by showing fellow envoys what she said was debris from an Iranian missile fired at Saudi Arabia. Meeting at the White House with members of the UN Security Council and his own national security team, Trump said the group had 'much work' to do. He drew up a daunting list of objectives, including countering 'Iran's destabilization activities,' ending the Syrian conflict, combating terrorism and denuclearizing North Korea. Earlier, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley took her fellow Security Council members to Jo
Iran’s IRGC Directly Ordering Missile Launches in Yemen, Opposition Group Claims 1/30/2018 12:06:25 PM Evidence of Iranian Weapons- A display shows recovered Iranian Qiam-class ballistic missile remnants at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in Washington, D.C., Dec. 12, 2017 By Patrick Goodenough ( – January 30, 2018 - As the administration on Monday showed foreign ambassadors alleged evidence of links between Iran and ballistic missiles fired into Saudi Arabia by Houthi rebels in Yemen, an Iranian opposition group said it has received reports that the launches are occurring under the “direct orders” of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Citing sources inside the regime and the IRGC, the exiled Iranian opposition group National Council of Resistance of Iran/People’s Mujahedeen Organization of Iran ( NCRI /MEK) said the reports indicate that the missiles are being manufactured at factories affiliated to the IRGC’s aerospace division. “According to these sources, t
Iran is violating UN weapons' embargo 1/29/2018 9:01:30 PM Items in this wearhouse are collected as evidence of Irans violation of UNSC resolution Jan. 29, 2018 - US Mission to the UN is moveing the evidence of Iran's malign activities in the region, namely providing missiles to the Houthi rebels, to Washington. in a statement on the USUN twitter account it said: 'We brought the Security Council to DC to see first-hand evidence from the Department of Defense of Iran’s illegal weapons program. These violations cannot continue.'
YEMENI GOVERNMENT ACCUSED IRAN REGIME OF FORGING ITS CURRENCY Created: 19 January 2018 Iran NCRI Yemen IRGC Yemeni Government Accused Iran Regime of Forging Its Currency The Yemeni government on Tuesday, January 16, without mentioning a name, accused some organizations of the Iranian regime of trying to forge the Yemeni national currency and, consequently, collapse of its value.According to al-Arabiya, the Yemeni government has expressed the view that the aim of this measure is to increase the suffering of the Yemeni people by "using the human condition as a mean to force the international community to stop military action against Houthi militants". Yemen's spokesman Rajeh Badi said: “Iran's plan is to protect Houthi militias as a hand tool to save its failed project, a project which is at its final stages due to successive field defeats imposed by the Yemeni army with the brotherly support of the Saudi-led Arab coalition.” Badi also pointed to the “plundering of $5
IRAN REGIME’S SENIOR MULLAH EXPRESSES FEAR OF PMOI/MEK, CONTINUATION OF THE UPRISING Created: 27 January 2018 Iran NCRI PMOI/MEK Protests Inside Iran Demonstration Iran Regime’s chairman of the Assembly of Experts and Friday Imam of Tehran, said: "Do not imagine that the (risk of) overthrow is over. No, the enemies will not give up thinking about the overthrow even for a moment. We must be alert.” He added, "The enemy is abusing new information tools; Telegram channel, Instagram and other tools in this field.”Concerned by the growing popularity of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) among the youth and rising people, Khatami said: "You foiled the PMOI’s sedition in 1996, 2009 and January 2016. You should foil the next seditions and you can do that. You foiled the PMOI’s sedition; how? You informed that there is a team of them near our home. Go arrest them. They (the suppressive forces) went and arrested them and destroyed them ... Wherever you see the
Is Iran Regime Controlling the Taliban? Monday, 29 January 2018 18:15 NCRI Staff NCRI - More than 280 people have been killed and injured in a suicide bombing by the Taliban in Kabul on Saturday, one of several in recent weeks, but the question remains: who is ordering these attacks? Some have speculated that Pakistan is responsible, but that theory doesn’t hold water. Why would Pakistan want to jeopardise its four-decade relationship with the US in order to work with the Taliban? Abdulrahman al-Rashed, the former General Manager of Al Arabiya News Channel, wrote on Al Arabiya , that there is actually plenty of evidence to suggest that the Iranian Regime was working with the Taliban, as they and their Revolutionary Guards have worked with terrorist groups across the Middle East to destabilise other countries, like Iraq and Syria. After all, the Iranian Regime maintains a strong security and propagandist presence in Afghanistan and it has also been working to be stronger and more inf
Iran Regime Tries to Exert Control Over People via Internet Restrictions Monday, 29 January 2018 18:46 NCRI Staff NCRI - The Iranian regime tries to have as much hold as possible over the people. Many areas of their lives are repressed and controlled. One such area is that of the cyber world. Iran has a largely young population and - like elsewhere in the world – young people equals tech interested and tech savvy people. The protests that started in Iran last month spread across the country like wildfire. This is in part thanks to the use of social media and messaging applications. The people of Iran use an application called Telegram Messenger. It is a service that allows them to send videos, messages and photos and is used by millions of Iranians. The Iranian regime knows that public discontent is often voiced on the internet and it has tried on numerous occasions in the past to put a stop to this by blocking certain services. Yet, the Iranian regime has shot itself in the foot. It
We Import Sugar 10 Times More Than Annual Need, Iran Regime's Mp Stated Monday, 29 January 2018 19:07 NCRI Staff NCRI - A board member of the Agriculture Committee of the Iran regime’s parliament said sugar is imported “10 times the required amount” annually into the country and this issue has led to “billions of dollars profits for a few specific persons”. Jalal Mahmoudzadeh said on Sunday January 28, announcing this issue in an interview with the state-run Tasnim news agency affiliated to terrorist Quds force, saying that “irregular” and excessive import of sugar has caused “damage to sugar beet producers and manufacturing plants" and "billion-dollar profits for certain people”. He added that as result, the sugar factories are “forced to present their products at 290 Toman less than the price of 2722 Toman approved by the government to meet their expenses”. In another part of his statements, he said that sugar beet makers “have delivered their product to the governmen
How the International Community Should Deal With Iran Regime Tuesday, 30 January 2018 02:24 NCRI Staff NCRI - The widespread protests across Iran this past month came as a shock to the Mullah’s Regime and the world at large, but this isn’t over yet. The first wave of protests may have been quelled but the people’s anger with the Regime hasn’t been extinguished. To make matters worse for the mullahs, they are facing expanding isolation on the international stage, with many in North America, Europe, and the Middle East, getting tougher on the Iranian Regime. The ordinary Iranian people are watching this closely, knowing that less international support for the mullahs will translate into a Regime less able to fight the tide of regime change. Support for the Iranian Regime is waning by the day, especially after Donald Trump set a May deadline for significant improvements to the Iran nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA) and threatened to withdraw the US from the deal
An End to the Iranian Regime Is Coming Tuesday, 30 January 2018 02:37 NCRI Staff NCRI - Iran’s so-called Assembly of Experts recently expressed concerns about the consequences of the widespread Iranian uprising in a meeting of its senior board. In this meeting assembly chief Ahmad Jannati and spokesman Ahmad Khatami highlighted three crises facing the Regime in response to the protests; the legitimacy of the people's demands, the blowback that the Regime is facing internationally because of its crackdown against the protests, and the Regime’s failure to censor and control the internet. The truth is the Regime were unprepared for the Iranian people’s protest which clearly demanded regime change and they were also unprepared for the international community to largely support the Iranian people. Mehdi Abrishamchi, Chair of the Peace Commission in the Iranian opposition coalition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said: "This uprising took the ruling regime and

Maryam Rajavi at the Council of Europe 24 January 2018 Call for the rele...

IRAN'S UPRISING IS ORGANIZED AND HEADING FOR A SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE Created: 28 January 2018 Iran Freedom Maryam Rajavi NCRI PMOI/MEK Iranian Resistance Iranian Opposition Human rights Protests By Shahriar Kia Whilst some of Iran’s political observers presume the most recent anti-government protests spontaneous and decrease it to a level of a chaos due to the harsh economic conditions, Shariar Kia, the Iranian political analyst, has a deferent point of view. He wrote an op-ed in Alriyadh Daily and pointed to the important features of the Iranian uprising. Referring to the Iranian official's statements and also the prominent member of the Iranian resistance, Mr. Abrishamchi, Mr. kia points to the main demand of the protestors that had put the cross-hair on the entirety of the mullahs' regime. The senior board of Iran's so-called Assembly of Experts recently expressed grave concerns regarding the consequences of Iran's latest uprising. In this session assembly chie
IRAN'S UPRISING IS ORGANIZED AND HEADING FOR A SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE Created: 28 January 2018 Iran Freedom Maryam Rajavi NCRI PMOI/MEK Iranian Resistance Iranian Opposition Human rights Protests By Shahriar Kia Whilst some of Iran’s political observers presume the most recent anti-government protests spontaneous and decrease it to a level of a chaos due to the harsh economic conditions, Shariar Kia, the Iranian political analyst, has a deferent point of view. He wrote an op-ed in Alriyadh Daily and pointed to the important features of the Iranian uprising. Referring to the Iranian official's statements and also the prominent member of the Iranian resistance, Mr. Abrishamchi, Mr. kia points to the main demand of the protestors that had put the cross-hair on the entirety of the mullahs' regime. The senior board of Iran's so-called Assembly of Experts recently expressed grave concerns regarding the consequences of Iran's latest uprising. In this session assembly chief,
Iran Regime Slashes Subsidies, Instead Increases Military Budget Sunday, 28 January 2018 02:54 NCRI Staff NCRI - In the wake of anti-regime protests, which started over the Iranian Regime’s decision to slash subsidies for the poor and increase spending on the military, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has taken $2.5 billion from its reserve fund to boost military spending again. Asghar Yousefnejad, a parliamentary budget-commission member, said on January 24, that this was part of a $4 billion redirection from the Iranian National Development Fund (INDF), ordered by Khamenei. He said that the rest of the money would fund projects related to dust pollution, water irrigation and management, and reconstruction of quake-hit and flood-stricken areas. However, the Iranian Regime has promised to fix these problems before and failed due to government corruption and a lack of concern for the Iranian people. He also revealed that $150 million would be sent to the Regime’s state-run television, wh
The Iranian People Want Regime Change, and They Want It Now Sunday, 28 January 2018 19:03 NCRI Staff NCRI - While pundits were surprised by the recent protests that erupted in Iran at the end of 2017, and into early 2018, unrest has been simmering in Iran for quite a while. Playing an important role in organizing the protests and breaking through government censorship to keep the world informed about them, was the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), who comprise the principal opposition movement against the regime. The protests are said to have broken out in more than 140 localities. Chants such as, “Down with Rouhani”, and “down with Khamenei”, as well as “no to hardliners; no to reformers; this game is over” rang out. The Iranian people sent a clear message about what they want — regime change, and they want it now. Reports says that at least 20 protesters were killed by security forces and the Revolutionary Guard. According to the MEK, at least 8,000 defenseless pr
Iran: senior Mullah admits to Widespread Corruption in the Judiciary Sunday, 28 January 2018 21:36 Iran Uprising - No. 59 Mullah Sadegh Larijani, the head of the clerical regime’s judiciary, in a meeting with the "Heads of prosecution offices and prosecutors of provincial capitals" on January 25, while praising the killing and suppression of the Protesters, acknowledged the widespread corruption in the mullahs' judiciary and the public anger and hatred toward this apparatus, and tried to whitewash it. Larijani, who called the protesters "troublemakers" and "in contact with foreigners," praised the perpetrators of the crackdown in the "judiciary, law enforcement, and security apparatus", and called them to "confront" the "team leaders who are in contact with foreigners in cyberspace" and demanded the creation of "specialized cybercrime divisions" to crack down on Internet users. This corrupt and criminal mullah,
Iran: More Children Died Due to Frostbite in the Earthquake-Stricken Area Sunday, 28 January 2018 22:12 NCRI Staff NCRI - Despite the denial of the governor of quake riddled province of Kermanshah.Some MPs and Iranian regime's media outlets report an increase in the mortality rate of children due to cold weather in the earthquake-stricken areas. Following the breaking of the news regarding death of several children due to frostbite in earthquake-stricken areas of Kermanshah and confirmation by two members of the regime’s parliament, the state-run Sharq newspaper wrote on Saturday January 27 that at least three other children dies in these areas. Following the death of a four-month-old baby, it was reported on Saturday that a 17-year-old disabled child and a one-and-half year old child died due to cold weather in these areas and lack of any support or medical attention by the regime’s officials.
The 3500 Iranian Steelmakers’ Strike Enters Its Fifth Day Sunday, 28 January 2018 22:22 Iran Uprising - No. 58 The strike of 3,500 workers from the Iranian National Steel Industrial Group in Ahvaz, which began on January 23, entered its fifth day. They are protesting failure to pay their three months' salary and benefits and false employer promises, and demand payment of wages and social security premiums and their supplementary insurance. Workers suffer from the shortage of basic work facilities and needs. They have also warned against restoring the previous corrupt management of this industrial unit, which has caused the current deterioration of the factory and workers. Protest workers say that despite the fact that the production lines are active, the plunderers are ignoring workers by giving hollow promises. The regime's agents are trying to force the workers to break the strike by threatening them to record their absences, depriving employees of the benefits, expulsion
Iran: Prisoner Abandoned in Prison Despite Spinal Cord Injury Monday, 29 January 2018 07:34 NCRI Staff NCRI - A Baloch prisoner in south-western part of Iran was paralyzed by the security forces gunfire while arresting him severing his spinal cord. However, he is kept in Saravan prison without any medical care and treatment. Jassem Baluch Zehi was arrested in December 2017 while wounded by the security forces gunfire. According to a report “the security agents, on suspicion of carry drugs give Jassem warning to stop the vehicle, and when he stops and gets out of his vehicle, despite being unarmed and having no weapon, they fire three bullets at him, arrest him and take him away while he is injured.”
Maryam Rajavi’s Message of Condolence on the Loss of David Vaughan, Prominent UK Barrister Monday, 29 January 2018 08:50 NCRI Staff NCRI - Brick Court QC and European law specialist David Vaughan CBE has died aged 79. Brick Court confirmed that Vaughan passed away on the morning of the January15, 2018. Vaughan celebrated 50 years at the Bar in 2013, 35 of which were spent as a Queen’s Councel. He joined Brick Court in 1963. During his long career, Vaughan was elevated to eminent positions including chairman of the competition working party and honorary professor of European Law at Durham University. He also sat as a deputy High Court judge. David Vaughan was also a great friend and defender of the Iranian resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the President elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran sent the following message on the loss of this great friend of the Iranian people. Message of Maryam Rajavi : I would like to extend my sincere condolences on the passing away of Mr. Dav
Iran Regime’s Senior Mullah Expresses Fear of PMOI/MEK, Continuation of the Uprising Saturday, 27 January 2018 17:51 Iran uprising - No. 57 Iran Regime’s chairman of the Assembly of Experts and Friday Imam of Tehran, said: "Do not imagine that the (risk of) overthrow is over. No, the enemies will not give up thinking about the overthrow even for a moment. We must be alert.” He added, "The enemy is abusing new information tools; Telegram channel, Instagram and other tools in this field.” Concerned by the growing popularity of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) among the youth and rising people, Khatami said: "You foiled the PMOI’s sedition in 1996, 2009 and January 2016. You should foil the next seditions and you can do that. You foiled the PMOI’s sedition; how? You informed that there is a team of them near our home. Go arrest them. They (the suppressive forces) went and arrested them and destroyed them ... Wherever you see the conspiracy, wherever
Iran Regime Slashes Subsidies, Instead Increases Military Budget Sunday, 28 January 2018 02:54 NCRI Staff NCRI - In the wake of anti-regime protests, which started over the Iranian Regime’s decision to slash subsidies for the poor and increase spending on the military, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has taken $2.5 billion from its reserve fund to boost military spending again. Asghar Yousefnejad, a parliamentary budget-commission member, said on January 24, that this was part of a $4 billion redirection from the Iranian National Development Fund (INDF), ordered by Khamenei. He said that the rest of the money would fund projects related to dust pollution, water irrigation and management, and reconstruction of quake-hit and flood-stricken areas. However, the Iranian Regime has promised to fix these problems before and failed due to government corruption and a lack of concern for the Iranian people. He also revealed that $150 million would be sent to the Regime’s state-run television, wh
The Iranian People Want Regime Change, and They Want It Now Sunday, 28 January 2018 19:03 NCRI Staff NCRI - While pundits were surprised by the recent protests that erupted in Iran at the end of 2017, and into early 2018, unrest has been simmering in Iran for quite a while. Playing an important role in organizing the protests and breaking through government censorship to keep the world informed about them, was the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), who comprise the principal opposition movement against the regime. The protests are said to have broken out in more than 140 localities. Chants such as, “Down with Rouhani”, and “down with Khamenei”, as well as “no to hardliners; no to reformers; this game is over” rang out. The Iranian people sent a clear message about what they want — regime change, and they want it now. Reports says that at least 20 protesters were killed by security forces and the Revolutionary Guard. According to the MEK, at least 8,000 defenseless pr
Admitting to Widespread Corruption in the Judiciary Sunday, 28 January 2018 21:36 Iran Uprising - No. 59 Mullah Sadegh Larijani, the head of the clerical regime’s judiciary, in a meeting with the "Heads of prosecution offices and prosecutors of provincial capitals" on January 25, while praising the killing and suppression of the Protesters, acknowledged the widespread corruption in the mullahs' judiciary and the public anger and hatred toward this apparatus, and tried to whitewash it. Larijani, who called the protesters "troublemakers" and "in contact with foreigners," praised the perpetrators of the crackdown in the "judiciary, law enforcement, and security apparatus", and called them to "confront" the "team leaders who are in contact with foreigners in cyberspace" and demanded the creation of "specialized cybercrime divisions" to crack down on Internet users. This corrupt and criminal mullah, whose scandals i
IRAN: EXECUTION OF FIVE YOUNG PRISONERS AND HAND AMPUTATION OF ANOTHER IN THREE DAYS Created: 20 January 2018 Iran NCRI Human rights Protests Execution During the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people against the detested rule of Velayat-e faqih, the regime's judiciary executed five young prisoners from January 15 to 17. On January 17, a brutal sentence to amputate a young man's hand for stealing several sheeps was carried out in Mashhad Prison.Two prisoners of 30 and 33 years old were hanged on January 17, 2018 in the Karaj Central Prison. The day before, two other young people who 19 and 20 at the time of their arrest were executed in Mashhad. On Monday, January 15, a 27-year-old prisoner was hanged in Babol prison. Meanwhile, Abolfazl Chezani, who was arrested at age 15, is now on the verge of execution in Qom prison after serving four years of imprisonment. The purpose of these executions is to exacerbate the atmosphere of intimidation of young people who have suffered
THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE TOOK PART IN THE FUNERAL OF A PROTESTER WHO WAS KILLED BY THE REVOLUTIONARY GUARDS Created: 23 January 2018 Iran NCRI Human rights Protests Demonstration Iran Uprising – No. 53 The body of the Pahlevan (champion) Seyyed Ebrahim Rasouli, brave son of the people of Eghlid (Fars province), was buried on Sunday, Janury 21, with the participation of thousands of people. Ebrahim Rassouli, who was known for chivalry, affluent ethics and helping the poor among the people of Eghlid, was killed on January 18, in an assault by police force mercenaries. He defended himself with a hunting firearm against the guards who attacked his house. Due to this clash that lasted for 10 hours, this brave hero eventually was killed. Khosrow Razmjouee, the criminal commander of the Police Force of Eghlid, called Ebrahim a "thug" to cover up this vile crime and while clinging to a list of drugs that falsely claimed to have found in Ebrahim's home, he claimed that he had commi
KILLING OF A YOUNG ATHLETE UNDER TORTURE Created: 25 January 2018 Iran NCRI Protests iranian political prisoner Demonstration On Saturday, January 20, 2018, the henchmen of the Ministry of Intelligence in Kermanshah, handed over the body of Martyr Gholam Reza Mohammadi, a young athlete who was arrested on January 2 in the protests of this city, to his family. The clerical intelligence flagrantly declared “lack of narcotics” as the cause of his death.Repeating the chain of lies against those killed under torture is while the news of forcing prisoners to take toxic drugs, forcing arrested high school and university students to take methadone pills, has been confirmed by released prisoners as well as other sources, including members of the regime's parliament. Meanwhile, Mullah Hassan Nowroozi, the spokesman for the Legal and Judicial Committee of the regime’s parliament, in a haphazard commentary, claimed "death under sorrow" and "suicide" of prisoners and said:
IRAN REGIME’S MP REVEALS JUDICIAL CASE-FABRICATION FOR THE ATTORNEY OF A PROTESTER WHO DIED IN CUSTODY Created: 26 January 2018 Iran Maryam Rajavi Protests Opinion The 23-years-old youth, Vahid Heidari A member of the Iranian regime’s parliament revealed that the security officials have fabricated a judicial case against a lawyer who proved that his client was neither a drug addict nor a drug dealer contrary to what the judicial authorities are claiming.The 23-years-old youth, Vahid Heidari, was arrested in the city of Arak following the recent uprising and protests in various cities across Iran and later his body was handed over to his family. The regime officials had claimed suicide as the cause of his death. The spokesman for the regime’s judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejeii, referring to his case had said: “This person was an addict and was carrying some drugs. A case that was established for him by the judiciary in Arak is still in progress.” However, Mohammad Sadeghi, the regi
IRAN REGIME IS SCARED OF LOSING EUROPE TO THE US OVER NUCLEAR DEAL Created: 20 January 2018 Iran NCRI Europe Extremism Nuclear JCPOA Iran Deal Weapons SANCTIONS AGAINST IRAN violation of UN Security Council Resolution The Iranian Regime is becoming increasing scared of Donald Trump’s words and actions regarding the future of the nuclear deal and of Europe lack of opposition to Trump.Last week, Trump gave the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) one last chance, announcing that ifthe deal had not been sufficiently amended by May, he would withdraw the US from it.Trump wants to ensure that “Iran never even comes close to possessing a nuclear weapon, ” by increasing inspections, eliminating the current expiration dates, and adding Iran’s ballistic missile program into the deal. In order to make amendments to the deal, the US will have to get Europe on board as well and the Iranian Regime is not happy that Europe hasn’t said no.
IRAN BACKED AFGHAN MILITIAS SUFFER 10 THOUSANDS CASUALTIES IN SYRIA Created: 07 January 2018 Iran Fundamentalism Iraq Syria Iran's meddling in the region the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Afghan fighters of Iran backed division “Fatemiyoun” have suffered 10,000 casualties in the Syrian war, according to an official of the division.Zuhair Mujahid, the cultural affairs in charge of Fatemiyoun division, further noted that 2000 Afghans were killed and 8000 other wounded in the war. Liwa Fatemiyoun literally “Fatimid Banner”, also known as Fatemiyoun Division, is an Afghan Shia militia formed in 2014 to fight in Syria on the side of the government. It is funded, trained, and equipped by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and fights under the command of Iranian officers. Mr. Mujahid also criticized the discriminatory and carelessness toward the division adding that the forces were not granted the needed attention despite their huge sacrifices in the war.
IRAN REGIME’S AGGRESSION, KEY ISSUE IN PAUL RYAN’S GULF REGIONAL TOUR Created: 25 January 2018 Iran NCRI Yemen Iraq Syria Houthis Middle East NIKKI HALEY The Iranian Regime and its regional expansionism and aggression was a key talking point during a meeting between US House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan and Saudi King Salman in Riyadh, on Wednesday.The two high-ranking politicians met at Al-Yamamah Palace to discuss bilateral issues and regional stability, which included the issue of keeping Iranian interference in check to ensure regional peace and security. Ashlee Strong, Ryan’s personal spokesperson, said : “The bipartisan congressional delegation is pleased to be welcomed to the Saudi Arabia to discuss the United States’ shared interests in regional stability and combating terrorism and Iranian aggression.” Iranian aggression in the Middle East takes on many different forms. The Regime uses its proxy militias to destabilise other countries to an extent that Iran can swoop
IRAN: IRGC SAYS, KHAMENEI HAS NOT RESTRICTED THEIR ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES Created: 27 January 2018 Iran NCRI Protests IRGC ALI KHAMENEI A senior member of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has claimed that he knows nothing about a decree from regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei that calls on the country’s so-called security forces to move their investment holdings and commercial assets to the private sector.Mohammad-Saleh Jokar, the deputy head of IRGC in parliamentary and legal affairs, said: “I was unable to find such a declaration and have not seen it. I do not know where this report – which you say the defence minister has announced – has come from. On January 20, Iran’s defence minister Hatami said that Khamenei had ordered the IRGC to rein in its growing business empire and ditch commercial assets that are not relevant to its mission. However, two senior IRGC officials (including Jokar) have denied any knowledge of this edict. Jokar said: “The issue is that this report
FRANCE, U.S. 'DETERMINED' TO UP PRESSURE ON IRAN OVER BALLISTIC WEAPONS Created: 20 December 2017 US policy towards Iran European policy towards Iran PARIS (Reuters) - France and the United States are determined to “vigorously” raise pressure on Iran over its ballistic missile program including possibly through sanctions, Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said during a visit to Washington. Le Drian was in the American capital on Monday to meet U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster and U.S. President Donald Trump’s special adviser Jared Kushner. Tensions between Iran and France have risen in recent months with both sides repeatedly trading barbs in public, including le Drian accusing Iran of “hegemonic temptations” in the region. Iran on Sunday criticised President Emmanuel Macron over his tough stance toward Tehran and said Paris would soon lose its international credibility if it “blindly follows” U.S. President Donald Tr