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Iranian Regime Officials Fear Regime's Bleak Outlook

Iranian Regime Officials Fear Regime's Bleak Outlook
Sunday, 04 March 2018 20:21

NCRI Staff

NCRI - As protest rallies continue to spread across Iran, state officials and media warn over regime’s dark future.

“The country is faced with a lot of super-challenges”, acknowledges Eshaq Jahangiri, first vice-president of Hassan Rouhani’s government, for the nth time, adding”we have challenges in different economic, social, cultural and political areas, both domestically and internationally. Restoring social assets is a crucial issue for us. But unfortunately, dialogue has been taken off the agenda and replaced by conflict instead, which is going to apply a heavy pressure on the society.” (State-run Khabaronline website, February 26, 2018)

Meanwhile, Mohammad Maljoo, an economist close to Rouhani, points to a “huge volume of interactions raised by people’s daily lives” as the driving force and underlying layer of recent protests, which by no means could be harnessed. “And if the political system is not going to reconsider its policies, we’ll definitely experience even bigger avalanches”, he adds. (State-run Iran newspaper, February 26, 2018)

Regime’s Former Science Minister ‘Mostafa Moein’ points to dominating presence of Iranian youth in the country’s recent uprising and daily protests, saying “our country is faced with the issue of disappointment. Social harms are an iceberg only the tip of which is visible. We are a country of fault lines. But more than natural fault lines, we are faced with social and generational ones within our society. And the main reason for the country’s non-development is rooted in these same corruptions, distrusts and discriminations.” (State-run Jamaran website, February 26, 2018)

Ahmad Bigdeli, regime’s MP, recommends officials to “take into account the realities across the society while seeking the roots of recent unrests, since the economic and livelihood problems have lowered people’s tolerance level.” (State-run Parliament’s news agency, February 26, 2018)

Also in this regard, Saeid Zibakalam, a university lecturer close to Khamenei, expresses his concerns over regime’s future leadership after Khamenei’s death while describing how he feels about the recent uprising as well as the current and future status of the regime. “I wish I was shot right in the head, so I didn’t experience these days”, he says while crying.

It’s obvious that the current situation reflects the ruling regime’s absolute deadlock, somehow pointing to the fact that what the regime is harvesting today is exactly the result of what it has planted over the past 40 years.Since the entire regime is responsible for the current conditions, so it’s quite natural that no workaround could come out from within the regime, which itself is the source of all the pain and suffering of Iranian people. So, any suggestion, viewpoint or workaround put forward by regime officials basically serves to secure the interests of predatory bands within the regime while, quite expectedly, disregarding people and their interests.

This is a reality that Iranian people have fully grasped and reflected in their recent uprising when they loudly cried for the elimination of the entire corrupt and anti-people ruling regime as the only genuine solution. A fact that’s been realized by regime leaders as well, as their panic for regime’s dark future reflects how they fear the society’s huge explosive capacity.


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