Iran: Maryam Rajavi Commemorates Dr. Mosaddegh
Monday, 05 March 2018 18:55

NCRI Staff
NCRI - The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi,, pledged to continue the fight for freedom in Iran in a speech marking the anniversary of the death of Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh, leader of Iran’s Nationalist Movement.
Mosaddegh, who died in March 1967, was a bold advocate for the rights of the Iranian people and Iranian national interests. His government not only represented an unwavering struggle for freedom and independence, but it was also free from corruption and tyranny. All in all, a far cry from the rulers of Iran today.
Indeed, when Ruhollah Khomeini took over as Supreme Leader, the mullahs reversed Mosaddegh’s good work; especially his nationalisation on Iran’s Oil Industry, which had ended Iran’s dependence on oil revenues.
After Khomeini stole power, he said: “Our path is not the path of oil… Oil nationalization is not an issue for us. It is wrong… to set Islam aside and praise someone who has nationalized the oil.”
He then squandered Iran’s oil and put it on sale.
Maryam Rajavi said: “Khomeini and his heirs resent Mosaddegh not only for his brilliant victory in nationalizing the oil, but for the valuable steps he took to put an end to despotism, corruption and poverty and bring democracy to the various realms of life in Iran. He threaded a road which was totally different from those of the Shah and Khomeini.”

While Mosaddegh’s 28-month tenure was only brief, he remains a fond figure for progressive and democratic politics in Iran.
Other key areas that Mosaddegh is remembered for include:
• balancing Iran’s budget
• reform of the army
• balancing Iran’s foreign trade
• healthcare reforms
• reforms of the legal system
• education reforms
• annulation of the special and extraordinary courts
• creation of new public housing
These issues were included in his nine-point plan that passed following the 1952 popular uprising.
Massoud Rajavi, once said: “Mosaddegh was not an individual but represented a cause. He was targeted from all directions for his cause which cherished independence, freedom, and an unwavering struggle against foreign colonialism, and against domestic dictatorship and fundamentalism.”
Now, the youth of Iran, inspired by Mosaddegh and the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK), have recently risen up in anti-regime protests across Iran, asking why Iran doesn’t have a democratic government
Maryam Rajavi said: “This is the fundamental question that has made Iran’s people restless in achieving freedom, democracy and equality. We also pledge to continue the fight for the overthrow of the clerical dictatorship and not relent until the aspirations of our nation for a free, prosperous land free from all forms of discrimination are realized.”
Monday, 05 March 2018 18:55

NCRI Staff
NCRI - The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi,, pledged to continue the fight for freedom in Iran in a speech marking the anniversary of the death of Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh, leader of Iran’s Nationalist Movement.
Mosaddegh, who died in March 1967, was a bold advocate for the rights of the Iranian people and Iranian national interests. His government not only represented an unwavering struggle for freedom and independence, but it was also free from corruption and tyranny. All in all, a far cry from the rulers of Iran today.
Indeed, when Ruhollah Khomeini took over as Supreme Leader, the mullahs reversed Mosaddegh’s good work; especially his nationalisation on Iran’s Oil Industry, which had ended Iran’s dependence on oil revenues.
After Khomeini stole power, he said: “Our path is not the path of oil… Oil nationalization is not an issue for us. It is wrong… to set Islam aside and praise someone who has nationalized the oil.”
He then squandered Iran’s oil and put it on sale.
Maryam Rajavi said: “Khomeini and his heirs resent Mosaddegh not only for his brilliant victory in nationalizing the oil, but for the valuable steps he took to put an end to despotism, corruption and poverty and bring democracy to the various realms of life in Iran. He threaded a road which was totally different from those of the Shah and Khomeini.”

While Mosaddegh’s 28-month tenure was only brief, he remains a fond figure for progressive and democratic politics in Iran.
Other key areas that Mosaddegh is remembered for include:
• balancing Iran’s budget
• reform of the army
• balancing Iran’s foreign trade
• healthcare reforms
• reforms of the legal system
• education reforms
• annulation of the special and extraordinary courts
• creation of new public housing
These issues were included in his nine-point plan that passed following the 1952 popular uprising.
Massoud Rajavi, once said: “Mosaddegh was not an individual but represented a cause. He was targeted from all directions for his cause which cherished independence, freedom, and an unwavering struggle against foreign colonialism, and against domestic dictatorship and fundamentalism.”
Now, the youth of Iran, inspired by Mosaddegh and the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK), have recently risen up in anti-regime protests across Iran, asking why Iran doesn’t have a democratic government
Maryam Rajavi said: “This is the fundamental question that has made Iran’s people restless in achieving freedom, democracy and equality. We also pledge to continue the fight for the overthrow of the clerical dictatorship and not relent until the aspirations of our nation for a free, prosperous land free from all forms of discrimination are realized.”
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