How Congress Can Fix the Iran Nuclear DealNuclear 30 October 2017 Iran Focus London, 30 Oct - It is now time for the US Congress to get on with the task of fixing the flawed Iran nuclear deal and amend any loopholes that the Iranian Regime can exploit in it. This is perfectly within the remit of the US without violating the deal as it stands. Some will argue that the deal is “working” and Iran is “complying”, while accusing Donald Trump of not decertifying Iran solely on their noncompliance with the nuclear deal. Actually, they are half right. The deal is not working and there are numerous instances where Iran clearly violated the term or the agreement without being punished, but Trump did not decertify them for this reason alone. There are many things that Iran has done in recent months that, while not covered in the terms of the deal, seriously violate the trust between the two nations and thereby violate the spirit of the agreement.